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Source file :

-- Binary Space Partition (BSP) --
-- Changes:
-- 31-Mar-2008: comment: node_id also meant for use with I/O
-- 14-Oct-2006: created

package GLOBE_3D.BSP is

  type BSP_node;
  type p_BSP_node is access BSP_node;

  type BSP_node is record
    front_child, back_child: p_BSP_node:= null;
    front_leaf, back_leaf: p_Object_3D:= null;
    --  Outer normal to node's plane :
    normal: Vector_3D;
    --  Signed distance between origin O and plane; positive if O in front :
    distance: Real;
    --  Informative (debug) or as temporary for I/O :
    node_id: Natural:= 0;
  end record;

  procedure Locate( P: Point_3D; tree: p_BSP_node; area: out p_Object_3D );
  --  If P is in no area known to the BSP tree, area:= null

  procedure Delete( tree: in out p_BSP_node );


GLOBE_3D: Ada library for real-time 3D rendering. Ada programming.