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Source file : lissajous.adb

with GL, GL.Math, GL.Materials;

package body Lissajous is
  -- Pretty output: FALSE
  use GL, GL.Math, GL.Materials, GLOBE_3D;

-- begin Separator # 1
-- VRML Info: ["Knot model created by KnotPlot
-- URL:
-- Author: Rob Scharein
--         Department of Computer Science
--         2366 Main Mall - Room 201
--         University of British Columbia
--         Vancouver, B.C. CANADA  V6T 1Z4
--         URL:
--         E-mail:
-- date:   Thu Aug 22 20:42:47 PDT 1996
-- "]
-- begin Separator # 2

matos_2: constant Material_type:= (
ambient =>   (0.4,0.2,0.0,1.0),
specular =>  (0.9,0.9,0.0,1.0),
diffuse =>   (0.9,0.5,0.0,1.0),
emission =>  (0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0),
shininess => 25.6
-- begin Separator # 3
coord_3: constant Point_3D_array:=
( (0.0,0.0,0.0),(8.554233,5.904441,8.123777),(8.319682,6.011821,8.440939),(7.929457,5.99825,8.319794),(7.922835,5.882482,7.927761),
(8.325845,6.077217,7.74332),(0.0,0.0,0.0)  --  1997

idx_3: constant Idx_4_array_array:=
( (2,3,8,7),(3,4,9,8),(4,5,10,9),(5,6,11,10),(6,2,7,11),(7,8,13,12),(8,9,14,13),(9,10,15,14),
(1994,1995,5,4),(1995,1996,6,5),(1996,1992,2,6),(1996,1992,2,6)--  1996
-- last index now: 1997
-- end Separator # 3
-- last index now: 1997
-- end Separator # 3
-- last index now: 1997
-- end Separator # 3

  procedure Create(
    object: in out GLOBE_3D.p_Object_3D;
    scale :        GLOBE_3D.Real;
    centre:        GLOBE_3D.Point_3D
    face_0 : Face_type; -- takes defaults values
      new Object_3D( Max_points => 1997, Max_faces => 1996 );
    object.centre:= centre;
    Set_name(object.all, "Lissajous"); material_only;
    face_0.material:= VRML_Defaults;
    -- Creating separator # 1
    -- Creating separator # 2
    face_0.material:= matos_2;
    -- Creating separator # 3
    if Almost_zero(scale - 1.0) then
      object.point( 1.. 1997):= coord_3;
      for p in 1 .. 1997 loop
        object.point( 0 + p ):= scale * coord_3(p);
      end loop;
    end if;
    for f in 1 .. 1996 loop
      face_0.P:= idx_3(f);
      object.face( 0 + f ):= face_0;
    end loop;
    end Create;
end Lissajous;
-- Converted by Wrl2Ada

GLOBE_3D: Ada library for real-time 3D rendering. Ada programming.